Dental sealants provide additional protection for your child’s teeth, especially if your child tends to get a lot of cavities. Our pediatric dentist, Dr. Jenny Hsu, and team invite you to call us today at 925-833-0535 to learn more about how dental sealants in Dublin, California, can help your child’s teeth stay healthy and beautiful.

Dental sealants are a thin resin coating for the teeth. Sealants are either clear or tooth colored to blend in with the smile. Acting as a barrier, sealants help prevent bacteria and food particles from getting into the grooves in your child’s smile and causing cavities and other dental problems. They also make brushing more effective.

We recommend dental sealants for children who have their permanent teeth in. This will typically be between the ages of 6 and 12. Dental sealants are a simple treatment, as they only take a few minutes to apply, and they can last for several years.

Sealants are not a replacement for good oral hygiene. It is important to have children continue to brush and floss their teeth as well as come in for their checkups.

Interested in seeing whether dental sealants would be a good option for your child? Contact us today to set up an appointment at Atlantis Orthodontics and Pediatric Dental Specialists! We are dedicated to helping your child’s smile!

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